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TAN 1364B, CI 010

英語化学名:TAN 1364B, CI 010
英語别名:TAN 1364B, CI 010
MOL File:Mol file
TAN 1364B, CI 010 物理性質

TAN 1364B, CI 010 化学特性,用途語,生産方法

RK-682 is a dimeric calcium complex of the major analogue of tetronic acid complex isolated from Streptomyces. Although reported by researchers at RIKEN in 1995, subsequent synthesis in 2001 showed that RK-682 was in fact the calcium complex formed during silica chromatography. Confusion about the structure of RK-682 has lead to the monomeric sub-unit, TAN 1364B (3-hexadecanoyl-5-hydroxymethyltetronic acid) being mis-named as RK-682 by many suppliers. As either the dimer or monomer, RK 682 inhibits protein tyrosine phosphatases, phospoholipase A2, heparinase and HIV-1 protease. However, is unclear whether biological activity is due to the monomer (TAN 1364B) or dimeric complex (RK-682).
RK-682 is a dimeric calcium complex of the major analogue of a tetronic acid complex isolated from Streptomyces. Although reported by researchers at RIKEN in 1995, subsequent synthesis in 2001 showed that RK-682 was in fact the calcium complex formed during silica chromatography. Confusion about the structure of RK-682 has lead to the monomeric sub-unit, TAN 1364B (3-hexadecanoyl-5-hydroxymethyltetronic acid) being mis-named as RK-682 by many suppliers. As either the dimer or monomer, RK-682 inhibits protein tyrosine phosphatases, phospoholipase A2, heparinase and HIV-1 protease. However, is unclear whether biological activity is due to the monomer (TAN 1364B) or dimeric complex (RK-682).
TAN 1364B, CI 010 上流と下流の製品情報
TAN 1364B, CI 010 生産企業      Global( 1)Suppliers     
ChemStrong Scientific Co.,Ltd 0755 668533660755 28363542sales@chem-strong.com;CHINA 11269 56
332131-32-5(TAN 1364B, CI 010) キーワード:
332131-32-5 TAN 1364B, CI 010
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