StructureChemical NameCASMF
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot I, Expression, Lung, brain, liver, lung, skeletal muscle, adult lung
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot III, brain, uterus, lung, kidney, spleen, Placenta
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Adipose (Frozen)
Tissue Kallikreins
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Bladder (Frozen)
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Brain Blot I, Lung, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, lung
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot IV, Expression, Lung, heart, liver, skeletal muscle, skin, adult lung
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot I, heart, brain, liver, pancreas, skeletal muscle, Placenta
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot IV, Expression, heart, liver, skeletal muscle, skin, Placenta
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot II, Expressionheart, kidney, skin, small intestine, Placenta
Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary and Metastasis Tumor, Rectum
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Bladder Tumor, adrenal tumor 4 and normal control 5
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Blot VI, breast, control, uterus, control, teratoma/fallopian tube, control, ovary, control
Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Metastasis Tumor and Normal, Liver
Tissue Adhesives
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Frontal Lobe (Paraffin)
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Cerebellum (left) (Frozen)
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Brain Blot I, Expression, Lung, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, lung
Tissue Factor ELISA Kit
Tissue, Western Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot V, uterus, cervix, ovary, testis, prostate, Placenta
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Adrenal (Paraffin)
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Blot IV, Precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Adrenal (Frozen)
Tissue, Western Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot III, brain, uterus, lung, kidney, spleen, Placenta
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot VIII, Expression, Lung, brain, kidney, spleen, intestine, uterus, cervix, placenta, lung
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Adipose (Paraffin)
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot III, Expression, Lung, brain, uterus, placenta, kidney, spleen, lung
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Cerebellum (Paraffin)
tissue kallikrein-binding protein
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot II, Lung, heart, kidney, skin, small intestine, adult lung
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Corpus Callosum (Frozen)
Tissue, Western Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot II, stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, Placenta
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Monkey (Simian) Adult Normal, Blot I, heart, brain, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, small intestine, skeletal muscle,
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Breast Tumor, brain tumor 4 and normal control 5
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain (Frozen)
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Brain Tumor, brain tumor 4 and normal control 4
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Amygdala (Frozen)
Tissue Transglutaminase, His-Tag, Human, Recomb. Sp. frugi
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot IX, Expression, stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, diaphragm, lung, Placenta
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Brain Blot II, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, pons, thalamus, corpus callosum
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Cerebral Cortex (Paraffin)
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Blot III, kidney, control, oschea/ureter, control, bladder, control, stomach, control
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Diencephalon (Paraffin)
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Blot II, esophagus, control, stomach, control, colon, control, rectum, control
Tissue Inhibitor-of Metalloproteinase-2 127497-59-0
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot II, stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, Placenta
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Lung Tumor, lung tumor 4 and normal control 4
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Midbrain (Frozen)
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor Cell Line, Blot I, A431, Hela, Jurkat, K562, MCF7, Raji, Human placenta tissue
Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Metastasis Tumor and Normal, Colon
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Cerebellum (right) (Paraffin)
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Brain Blot I, Expression, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum, Placenta
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot III, Lung, brain, uterus, placenta, kidney, spleen, lung
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Blood Vessel, Artery (Paraffin)
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot II, Expression, stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, Placenta
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Rectum Tumor, rectum tumor 4 and normal control 4
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot III, Expression, Lung, brain kidney, lung, small intestine, adult lung
Tissue, Section, Human Adult Normal, Brain, Hippocampus (Paraffin)
Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Colon
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Blot I, Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, hippocampus, amygdala, precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, occipital lobe
Tissue grinder pestle for CD-1TM
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Blot V, small intestine, control, esophagus, control, thymoma, control, lung, control
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot I , brain, liver, lung, skeletal muscle
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Colon Tumor, colon tumor 4 and normal control 4
Tissue, Total RNA Northern Blot, Human Adult Normal, Blot I, heart, brain, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, spleen, skeletal muscle
Tissue, mRNA Northern Blot, Human Fetal Normal, Blot III, Expressionbrain kidney, lung, small intestine, Placenta
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