
Company Information
Company Name:    Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co,Ltd.
Tel:    86-21-63210123
Fax:    86-21-63290778 86-21-63218885
Nationality:    CHINA
Product List:    10006
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Product List
Maltotriose;4-α-GlucosylMaltose;O-α-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-D-glucose;α-D-Glc-[1→4]-α-D-Glc-[1→4]-D-glc 1109-28-0
Manganese dihydrogen phosphate tetrahydarte 18718-07-5
Manganese sulphate 7785-87-7
Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate, 97% 10034-96-5
Manganese chloride tetrahydrate 13446-34-9
Manganese(Ⅱ,Ⅲ) oxide 1317-35-7
Manganese(IV) oxide;Manganese binoxide 1313-13-9
Manganous acetate tetrahydrate 6156-78-1
Martin MediuM Modified
M-Cresol Purple 2303-01-7
M-CyMene;Isopropyl-M-toluene; 1-Methyl-3-isopropylbenzene; 3-Isopropyltoluene; 1-Isopropyl-3-Methylbenzene; Methyl-(3-Methylethyl)benzene; M-CyMol; 535-77-3
Meglumine (500 mg) (AS) 6284-40-8
Melamine (250 mg) (2,4,6-Triamino-1,3,5-triazine) 108-78-1
Melatonin (150 mg) 73-31-4
Menadione (200 mg) (Vitamin K3) 58-27-5
Methyl anthranilate 134-20-3
Mepivacaine Hydrochloride 1722-62-9
Meprednisone (200 mg) 1247-42-3
Thioglycolic acid 68-11-1
Mercuric sulfate 7783-35-9
Mercury 7439-97-6
Mercury(Ⅱ) nitrate Monohydrate 7783-34-8
Meropenem (300 mg) 119478-56-7
Metanil yellow;Tropaeolin G;Acid yellow 36;Victoria yellow;SodiuM salt of Metanilyl-azodiphenylaMine;C.I. 13065 587-98-4
Metaphosphoric acid;Phosphoric acid Meta 37267-86-0
Metformin Hydrochloride (200 mg) 1115-70-4
Metformin Related Compound B (25 mg) (1-Methylbiguanide hydrochloride) 1674-62-0
Metformin Related Compound C (25 mg) (N,N-Dimethyl-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4,6-triamine) 1985-46-2
Methacrolein;Methacrylaldehyde;2-Methylpropenal 78-85-3
MethacrylaMide 79-39-0
Methacrylic Acid CopolyMer Type A 25086-15-1
Methacrylic acid, 99%, stab. with 100-250ppm hydroquinone or 4-methoxyphenol 79-41-4
Methanesulfonic acid, 98+ % 75-75-2
Methanesulfonyl chloride 124-63-0
Wood alcohol 67-56-1
Methicillin Sodium (500 mg) (AS) 7246-14-2
Methocarbamol (200 mg) 532-03-6
Methotrexate Related CoMpound B;(S)-2-{4-[2,4-diaMinopteridin-6yl)MethylaMino]benzoaMido}pentanedioic acid 54-62-6
Methoxychlor;2,2-Bis-(p-Methoxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane;2,2-Di-p-anisyl-1,1,1-trichloroethane;DiMethoxy-DT;DMDT;Marlate;Methoxy-DDT;Moxie;Dianisyl-DDT; 72-43-5
MethscopolaMine BroMide 155-41-9
Methyl 3-Benzoylpropionate 25333-24-8
Methyl 4-Methylbenzoate;p-Methyl toluate;p-Methylbenzoic acid Methyl ester; 99-75-2
Methyl acetate 79-20-9
Methyl acetoacetate, 99% 105-45-3
Methyl acrylate, 99%, stab. with ca 15ppm 4-methoxyphenol 96-33-3
Methyl benzoate, 99% 93-58-3
Methyl blue;Brilliant cotton blue;SodiuM triphenyl-p-rosaniline trisulfonate;C.I. 42780 28983-56-4
Methyl Caprate (300 mg) 110-42-9
Methyl hexanoate, 99% 106-70-7
Methyl Caprylate (300 mg) 111-11-5
Methylcellulose (1 g) (AS) 9004-67-5
Methyl chloroacetate 96-34-4
Methyl chloroforMate 79-22-1
Methyl crotonate;Methyl-α-crotonate 623-43-8
Methyl dichloroacetate; 116-54-1
Methyl eicosanoate;Methyl arachidate;Arachidic acid Methyl ester 1120-28-1
Methyl forMate;ForMic acid Methyl ester 107-31-3
Methyl gallate;Methyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate;3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoic acid Methyl ester 99-24-1
Methyl green 7114-03-6
Methyl heptanoate;Methyl enanthate;Methyl heptoate;Heptanoic acid Methyl ester; 106-73-0
Methyl Laurate (500 mg) 111-82-0
Methyl Linolenate 301-00-8
Methyl Methoxyacetate; 6290-49-9
Methyl Myristate (300 mg) 124-10-7
Methyl nonanoate;Pelargonic acid Methyl ester 1731-84-6
Methyl Stearate (300 mg) 112-61-8
Methyl Oleate (500 mg) 112-62-9
Methyl orange;Gold orange;Helianthine B;Tropaeolin D;SodiuM p-diMethyl-aMinoazobenzene sulfonate;4-{[4-(DiMethylaMino)phenyl]azo} benzene sulfonic acid sodiuM salt;p-DiMethyl-aMinoazobenzene sodiuM sulfonate;C.I.13025 547-58-0
Methyl Palmitate (300 mg) 112-39-0
Methylparaben (125 mg) 99-76-3
Methyl propionate; 554-12-1
Methyl p-toluenesulfonate, 98% 80-48-8
Methyl red 493-52-7
Methyl Salicylate (2 mL) 119-36-8
tert-Butyl methyl ether 1634-04-4
Methyl tetracosanoate;Methyl lignocerate; Lignoceric acid Methyl ester 2442-49-1
Methyl trichloroacetate 598-99-2
Methyl undecanate; Methylundecylate; 1731-86-8
Methyl Violet 2B 8004-87-3
Dimethoxymethane, 98% 109-87-5
MethylaMine solution in alcohol 74-89-5
MethylaMine hydrochloride 593-51-1
Methylcyclohexane;CyclohexylMethane;Toluenehexahydride 108-87-2
Methylcyclopentane 96-37-7
Methylene blue 61-73-4
Methylene Blue (750 mg) 7220-79-3
Methylprednisolone Acetate (200 mg) 53-36-1
MethyltrioctylaMMoniuM chloride 5137-55-3
Methylurea 598-50-5
Metoprolol Related CoMpound B;(+/-)1-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-Methoxyethyl)phenoxy]-propane 56718-76-4
Metoprolol Related CoMpound C;(+/-)4-[2-Hydroxy-3-(1-Methylethyl)aMinopropoxy]benzaldehyde 29122-74-5
Metoprolol Related CoMpound D;(+/-)N,N-bis-[2-hydroxy-3-[4-(2-Methoxyethyl)phenoxy]propyl](1-Methylethyl)aMine hydrochloride; 154784-36-8
Metoprolol Succinate (200 mg) 98418-47-4
Metoprolol Tartrate (200 mg) 56392-17-7
Metronidazole (100 mg) 443-48-1
Mezlocillin Sodium (350 mg) 42057-22-7
Miconazole Nitrate; 22832-87-7
Mifepristone (200 mg) 84371-65-3
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