
公司名称:    LGC Standards
电话:    +44 (0)20 8943 8480
传真:    +44 (0)20 8943 8480
电子邮件:    askus@lgcstandards.com
国籍:    英国
网址:    www.lgcstandards.com
产品总数:    6569
61 62 63 64 65 66

Pentacene OEKANAL
Pentachloroaniline 五氯苯胺 527-20-8
Pentachloroaniline PESTANAL
Pentachloroanisole 五氯甲氧基苯 1825-21-4
Pentachlorobenzene 五氯苯 608-93-5
Pentachlorobenzene 100 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Pentachlorobenzene PESTANAL
Pentachloroethane 五氯乙烷 76-01-7
Pentachloroethane 100 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentachloroethane 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentachloroethane PESTANAL
Pentachloronitrobenzene 100 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Pentachloronitrobenzene 1000 μg/mL in Ethyl acetate
Pentachloronitrobenzene 5000 μg/mL in Acetone
Pentachloronitrobenzene 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Quintozene 五氯硝基苯 82-68-8
Pentachlorophenol 五氯苯酚 87-86-5
Pentachlorophenol 1000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentachlorophenol 1000 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Pentachlorophenol 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentachlorophenyl acetate PESTANAL
Pentacontane 正五十烷 6596-40-3
Pentacosanoic acid 二十五烷酸 506-38-7
Pentadecafluorooctanoic acid OEKANAL
Pentadecanedioic acid 十五碳二元酸 1460-18-0
Pentadecanoic acid (Pentadecylic acid) 十五烷酸 1002-84-2
Pentadecanoic acid-15,15,15-D3
Pentadecanoic acid-D29
Pentadecanol 1-十五醇 629-76-5
Pentafluorobenzene 2000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentafluorobenzene 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentafluorophenol 1000 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Pentafluorophenol 2000 μg/mL in Methanol
Pentamethylbenzene 五甲基苯 700-12-9
Pentanochlor, 100 μg/mL in Acetonitrile PESTANAL
Pentanoic acid (Valeric acid) 正戊酸 109-52-4
Pentanol 戊醇 13403-73-1
PEO (crystalline) (originally certified as BAM-P04)
PEO (crystalline) (originally certified as BAM-P08)
Perchlorate Standard , 1000 μg/mL water
Perchloric acid for trace analysis min 68 % (glass bottle)
Perfluorotributylamine (FC-43) 全氟三丁胺 311-89-7
Performance Check Mixture
Permethrin 氯菊酯 52645-53-1
Permethrin mixed isomers 100 μg/mL in Methanol
Permethrin mixture of cis and trans isomers PESTANAL
Permethrin, mixed isomers
Perthane 乙滴涕 72-56-0
Perthane 100 μg/mL in Isooctane
Perthane 100 μg/mL in Methanol
Perylene 198-55-0
Perylene-D12 2000 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Pesticide Degradation Check Solution
Pesticide Mixture
Pesticide Mixture (25) CERTAN
Pesticide Standard Solution
Pesticide Standard Solution (DIN 38407-14) CERTAN
Pesticide Standard Solution for EN ISO 6468 CERTAN
Pesticide Standard Solution, EN ISO 11369 CERTAN
Pesticides Extractables Mixture
Pesticides Matrix Spiking Solution
Pesticides Mixture
Pesticides Mixture 1
Pesticides Mixture 2
Pesticides Mixture 3
Pesticides Mixture 4
Pesticides Mixture 5
Pesticides Mixture 6
Pesticides Mixture 7
Pesticides Surrogate Standard Mixture
Pesticides Surrogate Standard Spiking Solution
Pesticides Surrogate Standards Spiking Solution
PET bottle material - Chemical inertness
Pethoxamid PESTANAL
Petrol - Sulfur
Petroleum ether for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX (40 - 60°C)
Petroleum ether Picograde? for residue analysis (30 - 60°C)
Petroselinic (6c)
Petroselinic acid 十八碳6烯酸 593-39-5
Petroselinic acid methyl ester
PG (egg PC) 磷脂酸甘油酯 383907-64-0
pH QC Sample - Constant value
Phantolide (technical)
Pharmaceutical glass - Leaching
Pharmacopoeia kit
Phenacetin 非那西丁 62-44-2
Phenacetin 10 μg/mL in Methanol
Phenacetin 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Phenanthrene 85-01-8
Phenanthrene 100 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Phenanthrene 5000 μg/mL in Methanol
Phenanthrene, 1-methyl 1-甲基菲 832-69-9
Phenanthrene, 3,6-dimethyl 3,6-二甲基菲 1576-67-6
Phenanthrene-D10 1000 μg/mL in Methylene chloride
Phenazopyridine hydrochloride VETRANAL
Phenmedipham 甜菜宁 13684-63-4
Phenmedipham PESTANAL
Phenol PESTANAL 苯酚 108-95-2
Phenol 100 μg/mL in Methanol
61 62 63 64 65 66

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