
Company Information
Company Name:    TianJin Alta Scientific Co., Ltd.
Tel:    +86-022-6537-8550
Fax:    +86-022-2532-9655
Nationality:    CHINA
Product List:    2856
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Product List
Melengestrol Acetate 2919-66-6
Melissic acid 506-50-3
Menadione 58-27-5
Menadione sodiuM bisulfite 130-37-0
Methacycline hydrochloride 3963-95-9
L-Methionine; Met 63-68-3
Methyl acetate (C2:0) Solution 79-20-9
Methyl arachidate (C20:0) Solution 1120-28-1
Methyl arachidonate (C20:4n6) Solution 2566-89-4
Methyl behenate (C22:0 ) Solution 929-77-1
Methyl butyrate (C4:0) Solution 623-42-7
Methyl carbaMate 598-55-0
Methyl cis-10-heptadecenoate (C17:1) Solution 75190-82-8
Methyl cis-10-pentadecenoate (C15:1) Solution 90176-52-6
Methyl cis-15-tetracosenoate (C24:1) Solution 2733-88-2
Methyl decanoate (C10:0) Solution 110-42-9
trans-9-Octadecenoic Methyl ester (C18:1n9t) 1937-62-8
Methyl erucate (C22:1n9) Solution 1120-34-9
Methyl forMate (C1:0) Solution 107-31-3
Methyl heneicosanoate (C21:0) Solution 6064-90-0
Methyl heptadecanoate (C17:0) Solution 1731-92-6
Methyl heptanoate (C7:0) Solution 106-73-0
Methyl hexanoate (C6:0) Solution 106-70-7
Methyl linoleate 112-63-0
trans-Methyl linolelaidate 2566-97-4
Methyl linolenate (C18:3n6)
Methyl linolenate (C18:3n6) Solution
Methyl Myristate (C14:0) Solution 124-10-7
Methyl Myristoleate (C14:1) Solution 56219-06-8
Methyl nonanoate (C9:0) Solution 1731-84-6
Methyl octanoate (C8:0) Solution 111-11-5
Methyl oleate 112-62-9
Methyl palMitate (C16:0) Solution 112-39-0
Methyl palMitoleate (C16:1)
Methyl palMitoleate (C16:1) Solution
Methyl pentadecanoate (C15:0) Solution 7132-64-1
Methyl pentanoate (C5:0) Solution 624-24-8
Methyl propionate (C3:0) Solution 554-12-1
Methyl stearate (C18:0) 112-61-8
Methyl tetracosanoate (C24:0) Solution 2442-49-1
Methyl tricosanoate (C23:0) Solution 2433-97-8
Methyl tridecanoate (C13:0) Solution 1731-88-0
Methyl undecanoate (C11:0) Solution 1731-86-8
Methyl γ-linolenate (C18:3n3) Solution 301-00-8
Methylprednisolone 83-43-2
Methylprednisolone 21-acetate; Methylprednisolone acetate 53-36-1
Minocycline hydrochloride 13614-98-7
Mixture 22D-Branched Chain Hydrocarbons: 2-Methylpentane, 2,2,4-TriMethylpentane, 2,3-DiMethylpentane, 2,5-DiMethylhexane
MoMetasone Furoate; MoMetasone 17-furoate 83919-23-7
Monascus Red 874807-57-5
M-Tolualdehyde-2,4-DNPH 2880-05-9
Tetradecanoic acid 544-63-8
Myristoleic acid 544-64-9
Naphthalene 91-20-3
Naphthalene-d8 1146-65-2
Naphthenes C5-C10 Kit: Cyclopentane, Methylcyclopentane, Cyclohexane, Methylcyclohexane, cis-1,2-DiMethylcyclohexane, trans-1,2-DiMethylcyclohexane, cis and trans-1,3-DiMethylcyclohexane, cis and trans-1,4-DiMethylcyclohexane, Ethylcyclohexane, n-Propyl
n-Decane 124-18-5
n-Docosane 629-97-0
n-Dodecane 112-40-3
n-Dotetracontane 7098-20-6
n-Dotriacontane 544-85-4
n-Eicosane 112-95-8
Neodecanoic acid;2,5-diMethyl-2-ethylhexanoic acid 26896-20-8
New Red 220658-76-4
n-Heneicosane 629-94-7
n-Heneicosanoic acid (C21) 2363-71-5
n-Hentetracontane 7194-87-8
n-Hentriacontane 630-04-6
n-Heptacosane 93-49-7
n-Heptadecane 629-78-7
n-Heptane 142-82-5
n-Heptatriacontane 7194-84-5
n-Hexacontane 7667-80-3
n-Hexacosane 630-01-3
n-Hexadecane 544-76-3
n-Hexane 110-54-3
n-Hexatetracontane 7098-24-0
n-Hexatriacontane 630-06-8
NiacinaMide; VitaMine PP 98-92-0
Ninhydrin Hydrate 485-47-2
Nitrofurantoin 67-20-9
Nitrofurazone 59-87-0
n-Nonacosane 630-03-5
n-Nonadecane 629-92-5
n-Nonane 111-84-2
n-Octacosane 630-02-4
n-Octadecane 593-45-3
n-Octane 111-65-9
n-Octapentacontane 7667-78-9
n-Octatetracontane 7098-26-2
Nonanedecanoic acid 646-30-0
Nonanoic acid 112-05-0
Norethindrone 68-22-4
Norethisterone Acetate 51-98-9
Norgestrel 6533-00-2
L-Norleucine; Nle 327-57-1
n-Pentacontane 6596-40-3
N-pentacosanoic acid 506-38-7
n-Pentadecane 629-62-9
Methacrolein-2,4-DNPH 5077-73-6
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