
公司名称:    凯试(上海)科技有限公司
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Diethyl Stilbestrol β-D-Glucuronide 中文名称暂缺 2408-40-4
Diethyl-(6-chloro1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-carbazolyl)Methyl-d3 Malonate
Diethyl-(6-chloro-2-carbazolyl)Methyl-d3 Malonate 1189473-03-7
Diethyl[2-(4-nitrophenoxy)ethyl]aMine N,N-DIETHYL-2-(4-NITROPHENOXY)ETHANAMINE 19881-36-8
DiethylaMinocarboxyMethyl POC Tenofovir (Mixture of DiastereoMers)
DiethylcarbaMazine Citrate 枸橼酸乙胺嗪 1642-54-2
DiethylcarbaMazine N-Oxide 34812-73-2
Diethylene Glycol 二乙二醇 111-46-6
Diethylene Glycol DiMethacrylate 二乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯 2358-84-1
Diethylene Glycol DiMethacrylate-d8
Difloxacin Hydrochloride Salt 盐酸二氟沙星 91296-86-5
Diflucortolone 21-Valerate 戊酸双氟可龙 59198-70-8
Diflucortolone-d3 21-Acetate
Diflufenican-d3 吡氟酰草胺-D3
Diflunisal Phosphate 84958-45-2
DifluoroMethylenediphosphonic Acid DIFLUOROMETHLENEDIPHOSPHONIC ACID 10596-32-4
Digallic Acid 间双没食子酸 536-08-3
Digitoxin 洋地黄毒甙 71-63-6
DiglycylethylenediaMine, Dihydrochloride Salt 355115-87-6
Digoxigenin Bisdigitoxoside 异羟基洋地黄毒苷配基双洋地黄毒糖苷 5297-05-2
Digoxigenin Bisdigitoxoside 1-(1-Methyl-2-oxoethoxy)-3-oxopropyl) Ether 58994-85-7
Digoxigenin Monodigitoxoside 地高辛杂质D 5352-63-6
Digoxin-d3 127299-95-0
Dihydro ArteMisinin 双氢青蒿素 71939-50-9
Dihydro ArteMisinin β-D-Glucuronide (Mixture of IsoMers) 198976-06-6
Dihydro ArteMisinin-d3 双氢青蒿素D3
Dihydro Astrophloxine 1132970-43-4
Dihydro Caffeic Acid 3-O-β-D-Glucuronide 1187945-71-6
Dihydro Daidzein 二氢7-羟基-3-(4-羟苯基)-4-苯并吡喃酮 17238-05-0
Dihydro ErgotaMine-13C,d3 Mesylate 甲磺酸双氢麦角胺-13C,D3 1356841-81-0
Dihydro Fenofibrate 61001-99-8
Dihydro Ferulic Acid 4-O-Sulfate SodiuM Salt 86321-33-7
Dihydro Ferulic Acid 4-O-β-D-Glucuronide DilithiuM Salt
Dihydro FK-506 DIHYDRO-FK506 104987-30-6
Dihydro Isoferulic Acid 3-O-β-D-Glucuronide 1187945-72-7
Dihydro Isoferulic Acid-d3 3-O-Sulfate DisodiuM Salt
Dihydro Isoferulic Acid-d3 3-O-β-D-Glucuronide
Dihydro Ketoprofen β-D-Glucuronide (Mixture of DiastereoMers) 849104-47-8
Dihydro Montelukast SodiuM Salt 孟鲁司特钠杂质 142147-98-6
Dihydro Nicotyrine-d3 1246818-62-1
Dihydro Tachysterol 多沙唑嗪杂质F 67-96-9
Dihydrocaffeic Acid 3,4-二羟基苯基丙酸 1078-61-1
Dihydrocuscohygrine Hydrochloride 80408-56-6
Dihydrolysergic Acid 9,10-二氢麦角酸 5878-43-3
DihydrostreptoMycin Sesquisulfate 双氢链霉索 5490-27-7
Diiodoacetic Acid 二碘乙酸 598-89-0
DiisopinocaMpheylborane (+)-二异松蒎烯基硼烷 21947-87-5
Diisopropyl Carbonate (Stabilized with CalciuM Carbonate) 碳酸二异丙酯 6482-34-4
Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate 氟磷酸二异丙酯(禁运) 55-91-4
Diisopropyl Phosphorochloridate 氯磷酸二异丙酯 2574-25-6
DiltiazeM Hydrochloride 盐酸地尔硫卓 33286-22-5
DiltiazeM N-Oxide 盐酸地尔硫卓N-氧化物 142843-04-7
DiltiazeM-d3 Hydrochloride Also See: D460623 and D460624
DiltiazeM-d4 Hydrochloride Also See: D460622 and D460624
DiltiazeM-d6 Also See: D460622 and D460623 1242184-41-3
DiMenhydrinate 茶苯海明 523-87-5
DiMesna-d8 1189975-43-6
DiMethenaMid-d3 二甲吩草胺-D3 1246816-31-8
DiMethoxane 2,6-二甲基-1,3-二恶烷-4-醇乙酸酯 828-00-2
DiMethyl (2-Oxononyl)phosphonate-d15
DiMethyl 3,3'-Dithiodipropionate 3,3'-二硫代二丙酸二甲酯 15441-06-2
DiMethyl Bis(hydroxyMethyl)Malonate 2,2-双(羟甲基)丙二酸 二甲酯 35329-73-8
DiMethyl DiazoMethylphosphonate P - (重氮甲基)磷酸二甲酯 27491-70-9
DiMethyl Diglycolate 7040-23-5
DiMethyl Phosphate-13C2 SodiuM Salt 157487-95-1
DiMethyl Phosphate-d6 (Major) SodiuM Salt 157487-94-0
DiMethyl Phosphorochloridate O,O-二甲基磷酰氯 813-77-4
DiMethyl TriMethylsilyl Propargylphosphonate 228120-29-4
DiMethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)-(3-sulfopropyl)aMMoniuM, Inner Salt (2-羟乙基)二甲基(3-磺丙基)氢氧化铵内酯 [用于生化研究] 38880-58-9
DiMethyl-1,3-acetonedicarboxylate 1,3-丙酮二羧酸二甲酯 1830-54-2
DiMethylaMine-d3 Hydrochloride 二甲基-1,1,1-D3-胺 盐酸盐 120033-84-3
DiMethylaMine-d6 Hydrochloride 二甲基-D6-胺盐酸盐 53170-19-7
DiMethylbenzyl-(3-sulfopropyl)aMMoniuM, Inner Salt 3-(苄基二甲基铵基)丙烷基磺酸 81239-45-4
DiMethyl-d6 Trisulfide 58069-93-5
DiMethylethyl-(3-sulfopropyl)aMMoniuM, Inner Salt 二甲基乙基(3 - 磺酸基丙基)铵盐 160255-06-1
DiMethyliodoarsine 676-75-5
DiMethylsulfonioproprionate (Also See C178060) 硫代甜菜碱 7314-30-9
DiMinazene Dihydrochloride 31384-83-5
DiMinazene-13C2,15N4 Dihydrochloride (Major)
DiMorpholinophosphinyl Chloride 7264-90-6
Di-n-Butyl Phosphorochloridate 氯磷酸二正丁基酯 819-43-2
Dinotefuran 呋虫胺 165252-70-0
Dioscin 薯蓣皂甙 19057-60-4
DiosMetin 香叶木素 520-34-3
DiosMetin 3',5-Diacetate
DiosMetin 7-O-β-D-Glucuronide SodiuM Salt
DiosMetin-d3 香叶木素 -D3 1189728-54-8
DiosMetine Triacetate 3162-05-8
DiosMetine Tri-O-benzoyl
DiosMin Octaacetate 6195-54-6
Di-o-tolyl-phosphate 35787-74-7
DiphenhydraMine Hydrochloride 盐酸苯海拉明 147-24-0
DiphenhydraMine N-Oxide 苯海拉明N -氧化物 3922-74-5
DiphenhydraMine-d6 Hydrochloride
Diphenyl Disulfide 二苯二硫醚 882-33-7
Diphenyl Methyl Phosphite 二苯基亚磷酸甲酯 3577-87-5
Diphenyl Methylphosphonate 磷酸甲基二苯基酯 7526-26-3
Diphenyl[3-[(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)oxy]propyl]phosphine Oxide 503817-58-1
200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304

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