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英語化学名:Bromine pentafluoride
英語别名:BrF5;Bromo fluoride;Fluoro bromide;Bromine fluoride;Fluorine bromide;Bromine(V)fluorife;Bromine monofluoride;pentafluoruredebrome;BROMINE PENTAFLUORIDE;Brominefluoride(BrF5)
MOL File:7789-30-2.mol
臭素フルオリド 物理性質
融点 : -62,5°C
沸点 : 40,3°C
比重(密度) : 2,48 g/cm3
水溶解度 : Insoluble
安定性:: Strong oxidizing agent. Reacts with water, combustible materials, acids, metals. Explosion risk.
NISTの化学物質情報: Bromine pentafluoride(7789-30-2)
EPAの化学物質情報: Bromine fluoride (BrF5)(7789-30-2)
主な危険性 : O
Rフレーズ : 8-23/24/25-34
Sフレーズ : 7/8-36/37/39-45
RIDADR : 1745
Hazard Note : Oxidising agent
国連危険物分類 : 5.1
容器等級 : I
有毒物質データの: 7789-30-2(Hazardous Substances Data)

臭素フルオリド 化学特性,用途語,生産方法

colourless fuming liquid
A colorless, fuming liquid with a pungent odor. Used to make other chemicals and in rockets. Very toxic by inhalation. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Will accelerate the burning of combustible material. If the containers are involved in a fire they may rupture violently and rocket.
Produces corrosive fumes in moist air. Reacts explosively upon contact with water. Very reactive, usually with conflagration [Merck, 11th ed. 1989]. Reaction with water is violent, oxygen being evolved, [Mellor 2 Supp. 1:172 1956].
Bromine pentafluoride an oxidizing agent. Is decomposed exothermically by water to hydrofluoric acid and other materials. Reacts with these other hydrogen-containing substances (among others) vigorously enough to cause a fire or explosion: acetic acid, ammonia, benzene, ethanol, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, methane, cork, grease paper, wax. Mixtures with acids, halogens, metal halides, metals, nonmetals, or metal oxides at ambient or slightly above ambient temperatures have resulted in violent reaction (nitric acid, sulfuric acid, chlorine, iodine, ammonium chloride, potassium iodide, boron powder, selenium, tellurium, aluminum powder, bismuth, cobalt powder, iron powder, arsenic, nickel powder, chromium trioxide, charcoal, red phosphorus, sulfur dioxide, magnesium oxide. Solutions of acetonitrile and 9% Bromine pentafluoride have been found to decompose violently at ambient temperatures. Mixtures of perchloryl perchlorate and Bromine pentafluoride form shock sensitive explosives. [Bretherick, 5th ed., 1995, p. 640].
Chemical is highly corrosive and toxic. Inhalation causes severe burns of mucous membrane. Ingestion causes severe burns of mouth. Contact with eyes or skin causes severe burns.
臭素フルオリド 上流と下流の製品情報
臭素フルオリド 生産企業      Global( 19)Suppliers     
Meryer (Shanghai) Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-61259100(Shanghai) +86-(0)755-86170099(ShenZhen) +86-(0)10-59487313(Beijing)+86-(0)21-61259102(Shanghai) +86-(0)755-86170066(ShenZhen) +86-(0)10-88580358(Beijing)sh@meryer.comCHINA 40407 62
Shijiazhuang Sdyano Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. 0311-89250318 4000311741master@sjzsdyn.comCHINA 9982 58
7789-30-2(臭素フルオリド) キーワード:
ふっ素 トリフルオロ臭素(III) 臭素フルオリド ナトリウムフルオリド よう素(V)ペンタフルオリド 臭素 ヒドリドふっ素 ブロモペンタメチルベンゼン アンチモン(V)ペンタフルオリド ヘキサフルオロ硫黄(VI) ペンタフルオロホスホラン
7789-30-2 BrF5 Bromine fluoride Bromine(V)fluorife Brominefluoride(BrF5) pentafluoruredebrome BROMINE PENTAFLUORIDE Bromine pentafluoride 98% Brominepentafluoride98% Bromine monofluoride Bromo fluoride Fluorine bromide Fluoro bromide Bromine(V)pentafluoride Pentafluorobromine(V) フルオロブロミド 五ふっ化臭素 臭素(V)ペンタフルオリド 臭化ふっ素 ペンタフルオロ臭素(V) 臭素フルオリド ふっ化臭素 ブロモフルオリド ふっ化臭素(V)
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